
# 1: Searched Image in Google got "SAVED"

We all having been using Google to look for content and images. It sometimes feels that "Google itself is knowledge of everything about anything." But in fact, Google is more than  search, more than automation and more than just easy accessibility. 

In this blog, i would like to talk more about Google feature on searching images and archiving of those searched images in personal Google account. To understand it more, we need to know few "techniques to Google search". Yes, there are some techniques to make our search more precise. Let's say we need to search particular image in Google search, we just need to type-in "search word : images". This as well, will search for particular image only. (apple :images)

If we would like to look for other categories of search, we can directly do that from the search box. Like if want to look for recipe, we just need to type in "pasta :recipes" Or if we are looking for weather of NewYork, just type in "New york :weather".

Once we find out the image we have been looking for in Google, we can saved it to our personal list of images. To do so, we need firstly to make sure what exactly we are looking for and we are logged in to Browser(Chrome, IE, Firefox etc) with Google ID.

When the image is matched to our expectation, we just need to do is to select that image. On that selected image we can see Save tab:

This tab, when pressed, will save that particular image in our Google Account. To retrieve the list of saved images, we can go to in browser with Google account email id.

Now the saved images can be accessed anywhere, anytime around the globe. And just with your own credentials.

The Procedure:

1. Open Browser, type in address bar.
2. Login with your Google email id by clicking "Sign In" button at the top Right of the page.
3. Search for images of your choice. "apple :images" or anything.
4. Select the picture you would like to share.
5. On the next screen click Save at the right column of the image.
6. To look for your searched images, go to .(don't forget to sign in)

Happy Saving..

Thank you Phillip Tanpoco for the information on slam session!

#2: How to get tabulated data of the world using Internet

We all love data, may it be for research, business or for knowledge. Whether its number of local restaurants or, number of close stars above us, we seek the data. The data that speaks in number, more the numbers of data, more details and more integrated knowledge.

We know, internet is resource to all the data available, worldwide. But, where to look for and how to fetch those open data is something that we all must know. I will be discussing few of the websites from where we can get tabulated data and compatible to our requirement. 

This is the weblink from where we can get country development data from around the globe. The data available in this site can be downloaded in Excel format, CSV(Comma Separated Value), XML (eXtensible Markup Language) which is independent of hardware or software tool, but can store and be transport data. 

Despite the availability of huge open data from around the globe, World Bank database seem to work in hardware dependent platforms. This means, we need to DOWNLOAD the data in our system, memory card or similar. And if we need to work on that data for our personal or corporate needs, we have to filter it and again UPLOAD it in our database. 

Might work for research, but for me its a lot of job, for lot of data. Adds an extra cup of coffee on my table!!!

2. Open Data
This is a place where we can find links to OPEN DATA of list of countries. The core concept is to provide government data to public. Anyone can use,reuse or distribute the data. 

Its still in huge argument on the overall concept of Open Data project, but we get our data no matter what. And i guess we shall brag that rights. There is no specific link to grab all the data in a place, but a bit of Googling never harms a freshman. Examples of Open data : USAINDIACANADASINGAPORE and many more.

The downloadable format is not fixed, but all those data can be downloaded and are compatible to existing system(computers)

This is my personal favorite. Not because 'Google' is there, but because i can collaborate the data in Google Research Table and extract it directly to my web space. Yes, that can be downloaded if required and in compatible format. I prefer not-to :-)

Google Research Team has came up with this brilliant idea of tabulating open data and transferable to relevant format. This means, when i look for data in Google Research table, i can extract the data in Online Google Spreadsheet of my personal drive or, Google Fusion table(powerful data management system). Here is a demo :

In this demo, I opened the Google Research Table webpage, searched for 'List of Extinct animals in Asia', selected the source (where there were more columns and rows), extracted the data in Google Spreadsheet of my Google Drive. Now, i can play with data online or, offline and can just transfer that data to any online web space i desire. Or say generate an interactive chart for my web site :-)

These are few popular websites to get easy data. And also not to forget :do not expect all as "everything".

This is not comparison of services, instead few tips on how easy it is to look for data, Online.

Happy Data exploring!!

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